The Walt Right
Walt Right Perspectives
Episode 39 : Indian Assimilation, the Deep South, and Presbyterian Futurism with Raising Dragon Slayers

Episode 39 : Indian Assimilation, the Deep South, and Presbyterian Futurism with Raising Dragon Slayers


On this episode of Walt Right Perspectives I speak with Raising Dragon Slayers (follow him on Twitter here).

RDS is a mixed race Texan descended from both merchant caste North Indians and working class Borderer sharecroppers from the Deep South. He is a traditional Presbyterian, but is also interested in futurism and white identitarianism.

Topics include:

  • How RDS mixes a religious traditionalism with a futurist outlook

  • How did RDS come to his particular sect of Protestantism?

  • Are different temperaments drawn to different sects of Christianity? Is this kind of temperamental diffusion bad for Christendom?

  • Did the threat of Communism help religiously unite Protestants and Catholics in America during the postwar era and help Kennedy get elected?

  • How much of the Catholic-Protestant split is just reflective of ethnic differences in temperament between transhajnal and cishajnal whites?

  • The rapid rise of Charismatic Protestantism in Latin America

  • Presbyterianism and its historical origins in Reformation Scotland as a semi-hierarchical sect of Protestantism organized by councils of elders

  • RDS’s heritage as a third generation Indian-American from the Vaishya caste

  • Are Vaishyas more likely to miscegenate with whites compared with Brahmins?

  • Is it easier for North Indians to blend into the white population?

  • Do North Indians do better with white girls than South Indians? Are Indians trailing other Asian groups in social prestige?

  • Have Indian guys benefited sexually from Bollywood or tech wealth?

  • Is the stereotype of Indian guys as sexually aggressive unfair?

  • Why are Indians so big on spelling bees? Are Indians genetically talented at memorization? Does it have to do with different language groups?

  • British colonization of India and RDS’s nuanced take on it

    • Christian communities in India vs. Hindu communities

    • English proficiency in India as contributor to its modern status as economic powerhouse benefiting from tech boom

    • Brutal Chinese / Belgian colonization of Africa vs. more benign British approach

  • Is the caste system bad for India? Should white people adopt something similar? Are we already forming something like this in America?

  • Paul Fussel’s fantastic book Class about the unspoken caste system of America

  • Downward social mobility as a eugenic force in European history

  • Does class mobility diminish noblesse oblige culture?

  • Jared Taylor and Richard Spencer as exemplars of WASP civicmindedness

  • Hustling culture of immigrants and Borderers

  • Is it appropriate for Borderers to respect the Cavalier leadership class of the early South given that they got us into the Civil War?

  • Cultural difference between the tidewater “upland south” of Thomas Jefferson vs. John C. Calhoun’s deep south

  • Who actually picks the North when playing a Civil War strategy game?

  • Did the aggressive / rapey / incredibly unequal Deep South drag the more civilized / industrialized Upland South into the Civil War?

  • Nathan Bedford Forrest as an early example of Borderer leadership

  • Living among other races is more natural for southerners

  • Why does Texas feel more “vital” than Alabama or Mississippi?

  • Successful Castizo Futurism in Texas and Florida vs. Cesar Chavez “La Raza” tradition in California and Arizona

  • How influential is Tejano Culture in Texas?

  • Does Christianity facilitate “bleaching” more for nonblack races than for black people, or is class playing the primary role?

  • Dealing with extended family from a much lower social class

  • RDS’s mother’s class overcorrection as a first generation college student

  • Why are upper middle class guys in particular so cucked compared to both working class guys and rich guys?

  • Does getting a credentialed knowledge class job require you to be soy given the emotional demands of working with women in an office sitting?

  • How “cooning” as a big dumb conservative white guy (.e.g. Ron Swanson, Shane Gillis) lets you get away with being masculine in an office job

  • Is it bad to work from home in front of your girlfriend?

  • Is it inappropriate for your woman to see you in a hierarchical male space?

  • How Christianity gives you an institutional buffer against hypergamy

  • How common is chastity among committed evangelicals?

  • Nerdy guys tend to develop their masculinity in their late 20s, so encouraging them to get married early is a bad idea and will result in them getting a worse wife

  • Is it a bad sign if a man isn’t married by 30?

  • It’s hard to have a girl move in with you in a one bedroom apartment

  • Urban vs. Suburban divide in right wing politics

  • People need to adapt to the world that exists instead of fantasizing about the world they want

  • The best way to make people more monogamous is to inspire disgust with hookup culture, not hide the gross aspects of degeneracy in Hallmark movies or polite bourgeois culture

  • How can Christianity appeal to young men as well as Islam?

  • Christian Hobbits need to get better at politics and Work With Walt

  • When Hernan Cortes conquered Mexico he needed to ally with cannibals

  • Walt doesn’t want old ladies in the midwest to have to learn about trannies

  • Code switching isn’t flakiness, just social skills

  • It is worth being an empire because you can buy jeans at Target for $15

  • It’s really easy to make money in America by job stacking tech jobs, selling black people overpriced solar panels, etc.

  • Brain drain from the midwest—has it already ruined the regional human capital?

  • Are geographic sorting mechanisms good or should we encourage local elites to stay where they are?

  • There seems to be a bigger proportion of elite Zoomers working in hard tech and displaying agentic behavior despite the very low quality of the median Zoomer

  • Millennial attitudes towards money were distorted because of extremely low interest rates and cheap VC money (“millennial lifestyle subsidy”)

  • Chud conservatives were right about weed—you smell it everywhere these days

  • Zoomers don’t drink

  • How does RDS plan to save his kids from dopamine traps like social media / porn?

  • The world changed ridiculously fast in the 90s

  • Does the bifurcation of Zoomers suggest that speciation will eventually occur between dopamine slaves and the more agentic elites?

  • Is the porn epidemic similar to the alcoholism epidemic of the 19th century?

The Walt Right
Walt Right Perspectives
Building intellectual rigor and human capital on the right, one hot take at a time.
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